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Click on the Windows or Mac logo to download the latest version of the Guru Lead Crusher for your computer.
Once you have your program downloaded you will need to extract the program.
Windows users can download winzip if you don't have the software to unzip the program.
OSx has a built-in extractor so you will be able to simply double click the zip file.
Once you have the program extracted you will be able to run it. It does not install to the applications directory. It is a stand-alone program keeping it light, hardly using any system resources.
We run ours all day without noticing it.
You will not be able to export the hundreds and thousands of prospective leads that the Guru will bring to you. Don't lose out at that point.
Upgrade right away and don't lose any time.
There are no upgrade codes available right now.
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To get access to the exclusive training videos and specialized marketing techniques with the Guru you also get a free Lead Capture Page Boss account and will receive an email when you get the Guru.
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Guru Lead Crusher 1.3 Windows Guru Lead Crusher 1.3 MAC
Guru Lead Crusher 1.2 Windows Guru Lead Crusher 1.2 MAC
Guru Lead Crusher 1.1
Guru Lead Crusher 1.0 Windows Guru Lead Crusher 1.0 MAC
Java - You should have the latest version installed on your computer to run the GLC. WinRAR - Used to unzip/extract the Guru Lead Crusher. WinZip - Used to unzip/extract the Guru Lead Crusher.